Hi, I'm Abbie
Our first-born was almost two years old when we went to the ultrasound for baby #2…and found out we were having twins! Life is fun, full, and busy with my three boys.
Along the way, we’ve used friends and family as daycare, in-home daycare, and a daycare
It’s affordable, flexible, and I get help around the house. In addition to that, we’ve made lasting relationships with people around the world and my boys have gotten to experience other cultures even though we haven’t had the opportunity to travel a lot…yet!
When we first became an au pair host family, I made some mistakes even though I have a great agency (Au Pair Care), a great local area coordinator, and my best friend who also has an au pair (Maddie).
I created this site to help other moms find out about au pairs in the first place, and then create an organized step-by-step guide to finding the right agency and au pair, and having the best possible experience with your au pair.
Please feel free to
Hi, I'm MaDDie
The choice of bringing an au pair into our home was an easy one for us, finding our first au pair was the challenge.
Both my husband and I wanted a primary caregiver for our daughter, but neither of us had any interest in setting aside our careers. We enjoy living with friends, were excited to learn about other cultures, and liked that au pair programs were much more affordable than local nannies.
I spent weeks going through au pair profiles and interviewing but none of the young women seemed right for our family. A few days before the match deadline, the area counselor sent me information on an au pair looking to extend her program for a second year and she turned out to be a great fit for us!
After 5 au pairs, a second baby, a career change, moving across the city, and countless adventures, I would like to think of myself as an experienced au pair host mom. The reality is that the more experience I have, the more I find out I have to learn.
I created this site to share my successes and learnings with you in the hopes of making your au pair journey as fulfilling for your family as it has been for mine.
When I’m not blogging or playing with my children I spend my time working in tech as a Technical Program manager. I also enjoy hiking, snow shoeing, and playing Pokemon Go (I’m almost to level 40!)
Please feel free to write me and say hi at maddie@myaupairandme.com or find me in the My Au Pair and Me Community group on Facebook.